Hemp blocks for naturally efficient masonry.
Hemp blocks for naturally efficient masonry , Hempcrete, Complementary products for hempcrete blocks.
Installation guide
PCS, our natural interior plaster, Complementary products for hempcrete block.
Installation guide
Hemp blocks for naturally efficient masonry , Complementary products for hempcrete blocks.
Installation guide
Hemp blocks for naturally efficient masonry, Natural interior plaster PCS, Hempcrete, Complementary products for hemp blocks.
Hemp blocks for naturally high-performance masonry, Hemp concrete, The Hempro system for 100% hemp construction.
Hemp blocks for naturally high-performance masonry.
Hemp blocks for naturally efficient masonry , PCS, our natural interior plaster, Complementary products for hempcrete blocks.
Hemp blocks for naturally efficient masonry.
Technical data sheet
The IsoHemp HL Mix is a hemp concrete aggregate.
Technical data sheet
The IsoHemp HL Mix is a hemp concrete aggregate.
Technical data sheet
100% Natural Clay Plaster.
Technical data sheet
The IsoHemp Adhesive Mortar allows the installation of IsoHemp hemp blocks, for both interior and exterior use.
Technical data sheet
The Technical Approval ATG, issued by the UBAtc, is a certification that confirms our products meet the highest standards of the Belgian market.
Technical data sheet
The 7cm block is the thinnest block in the IsoHemp range. It’s ideal for insulating from the inside in small spaces.
Product sheet
The 9 cm block allows insulation from the inside with even higher thermal performance than block 7.
Product sheet
The 12 cm block fulfils all interior insulation needs for renovations of old buildings.
Product sheet
The 15cm block, like the 20cm block, is a very versatile block. It can be used to build as well as to insulate, both inside and out.
Product sheet
The 20 cm block is very versatile and is specifically suited to new constructions and extensions.
Product sheet
The 25 cm block has the ideal thickness for interior or exterior insulation.
Product sheet
The 30 cm block is particularly suited to new low-energy constructions.
Product sheet
The 36 cm block is the reference block for new construction with very high thermal performance (very low energy).
Product sheet
Used for new constructions, 30 cm or 36 cm perforated blocks allow the creation of load-bearing structures (Hempro system).
Product sheet
The 30 cm or 36 cm U-block is a hemp block intended for new constructions, allowing the creation of a complete load-bearing structure.
Product sheet
HL Mix IsoHemp is a plantbased insulating aggregate. The product is dry and ready to use for rapid application.
Product sheet
PCS interior plaster is an economic, sustainable, and high-quality solution.
Product sheet
ClayWall clay rendering is the ideal environmentally friendly solution.
Product sheet
IsoHemp adhesive mortar has been specially developed for the implementation of hemp blocks for interior and exterior use.
Product sheet
The bag of IsoHemp hemp is the guarantee of using quality aggregate especially suitable for building applications.
Product sheet
ProKalk lime is a preformulated binder specially adapted for the manufacturing of hempcrete.
Product sheet
IsoHemp lintels are prefabricated hemp concrete lintels strengthened by a reinforced concrete centre used for door and window openings in hemp block masonry construction.
Product sheet
The use of brackets is advised to maintain hemp blocks above doors and windows when an IsoHemp lintel is not being used.
Product sheet
The use of angle bars is recommended when laying the first row of hemp blocks in some applications.
Product sheet
The use of brackets is recommended to create a mechanical link between the hemp blocks and the existing structure.
Product sheet
Tools and saws available for sale, recommended for on-site use with hemp blocks.
Product sheet