IsoHemp produces millions of hemp blocks.

Based in the heart of Belgium, in the Namur region, IsoHemp is now active in many countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Italy...) through a wide distribution network.

Thanks to the increased performance of its new factory inaugurated in 2021, IsoHemp has a production capacity that can reach five million hemp blocks per year. And a stock of 7,000 pallets of products permanently to meet demand without waiting time.


What defines us ?

Why adopt IsoHemp hemp blocks?

The hemp block, a high-performance insulating block 
naturally suited to your home.


Our expertise is based on over 12 years of innovation, a cutting-edge R&D centre, a training centre, and a high-performance factory unique in the world.


We make no compromises on durability. Our recent factory is eco-designed: zero emissions and zero waste.


In addition to being a supplier, IsoHemp is a partner. We are close to and listen to architects, contractors, engineers, economists, distributors... It's a whole ecosystem that helps each other to become actors of tomorrow's construction.


Hemp is the guarantee of a comfortable and healthy interior. Because the health of your family, your home, and the planet really matters to us.


Our materials are natural, certified, and meet current... and future standards. The implementation is simple and carries no risk of exposure to toxic products.

A technological and high-performance 
factory that integrates our values.


IsoHemp's industrial production chain respects the company's values through three fundamental development axes: short supply chain, natural raw materials, and an environmentally friendly factory.

The raw materials (hemp, lime, and water) are 100% natural and have a low environmental impact. To minimise the carbon footprint linked to transport, IsoHemp prioritises local suppliers:

  • The lime is carefully selected from suppliers attentive to the energy consumption that this type of production requires.

  • Hemp requires no pesticides, very little fertiliser, and each hectare of this plant stores up to 3 tonnes of CO₂. It is therefore a crop with low environmental impact.

The design of our factory follows the same philosophy: 
technology and sustainable development.

The company's teams have developed from A to Z the manufacturing process of IsoHemp hemp blocks. The production capacity of the factory reaches more than five million blocks per year.

Built in 2021, the factory is entirely automated because automation guarantees quality products at competitive prices. It required several years of development and is in perpetual evolution as part of our continuous improvement policy.

No harmful substances are used: the hemp blocks are entirely composed of natural, local, and ecological raw materials.

The production site is equipped with photovoltaic panels that currently cover 30% of our annual energy needs. 
Thanks to numerous efforts, we have significantly reduced the factory's energy consumption, demonstrating our commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.

All waste/production scraps are recyclable and re-injectable into the manufacturing process: practically no waste is emitted.

Thanks to the implementation of a recovery and recycling system for cleaning water, not a single drop of water is discharged into the sewer.

Discover the 4 steps of hemp block manufacturing.

The manufacture of a hemp block requires significant know-how, mastered for several years at IsoHemp.

Discover the 4 steps

IsoHemp, sustainable construction with hemp.

2011: IsoHemp is born. The two founders, Olivier Beghin and Jean-Baptiste de Mahieu, are engineers passionate about the sustainable construction sector. They imagined the business project following a meeting with a Belgian researcher specialised in hemp applications for building. Thanks to their technical knowledge and collaborations with industry professionals, the two founders worked on designing a range of products composed of lime and hemp.

2013: After an initial phase of artisanal production for one year, it's time for industrial production with larger production capacities – the equivalent of constructing several houses per day.

2017: IsoHemp intensifies its development by doubling the size of its production site to nearly 1 hectare.

2021: The brand-new state-of-the-art production factory sees the light of day. Unique in the world and developed internally, it allows the launch of a new series of hemp blocks. In the wake, the launch of a new 100% hemp construction system called the "Hempro" system: an "all-in-one" construction system allowing a building to be constructed exclusively with IsoHemp hemp blocks without requiring additional insulation.

2023: The IsoHemp team continues to grow with the arrival of new people in the Belgium and Export sales teams. Today, nearly 40 people contribute to IsoHemp's growth, in Belgium and internationally. A world leader in its technology, IsoHemp represents thousands of new constructions and renovations.

2012: After a one-year R&D phase, development of a range of hemp blocks specially designed to create partitions and building envelopes. It's the birth of the IsoHemp hemp block: a healthy, local, and 100% recyclable product! The concept? Create insulating envelopes that let the house breathe thanks to a block that regulates humidity, temperature, and noise.

2014: Investment of over one million euros to create a new industrial production factory in Fernelmont, in the Namur region, in the heart of Belgium.

2019: Investment of 5 million euros to optimise the performance of the production site and expand it.

2022: Development of the French market with the opening of a branch in Troyes. New colleagues join the IsoHemp France team to ensure better service in the territory. This proximity with customers allows them to travel to sites and provide quality technical support.

2024: Numerous projects are underway. The R&D team is working on continuous product improvements and expanding the IsoHemp range. Acquisition of additional land around the production factory to increase storage space and facilitate access to loading docks to meet the growing demand for blocks. Welcoming new French and German collaborators to strengthen IsoHemp's presence in the market.


IsoHemp supports you!

Our design office and technical teams put all their skills at your disposal 
to answer your questions and guide you during implementation.

We accompany you at each stage of the process. Make an appointment with 
our team and find answers to all your questions.